Types of Lovebirds : 9 incredible Lovebird types

Lovebirds are in some cases called pocket-sized parrots. Their dynamic colors, sociable natures as well as credibility as fantastic companions make them one of the most cherished little birds to have as pets. discover out much more about kinds of lovebirds as well as exactly how to take care of them.

You may be thinking about getting your own Lovebird to pet. There are nine types of lovebirds, eight of which originate from Africa as well as one from Madagascar.

Three kinds of Lovebirds are many typically kept as bird pets: the Peach-faced Lovebird as well as Fischer’s Lovebird. The six other types are unusual as well as rarely kept in captivity.

Origin as well as history of LoveBirds

All lovebird species, with the exception of one Madagascar native, phone call Africa home. They are typically discovered in little groups.

These lovebird types are unusual in captivity, other than in show-aviaries.

Abyssinian (or black-winged lovebird) (Agapornis Taranta).

Black-cheeked lovebird (Agapornis nigrigenis)

Madagascar or grey-headed lovebird (Agapornis Cana)

Nyasa as well as Lillian’s lovebird (Agapornis lilianae).

Red-faced as well as red-headed lovebirds (Agapornis Pullaria)

Swindern’s black-collared lovebird (Agapornis Swaindernia).

The wild populations of Nyasa, Fischer’s as well as black-cheeked lovebirds are alarming. Although they are not yet noted as endangered, their numbers are so little that each one falls under the “threatened or vulnerable” category.

Common Lovebird Characteristics

Before we get into the differences between the species, let’s very first look at some typical qualities you will discover Lovebirds to share, regardless of their species.

All Lovebirds share one typical characteristic: their size. since of their little size, they are frequently called “pocket parrots”, as well as since they belong to the household Psittaculidae. many Lovebirds determine between 5 as well as 7 inches in height.

They have a stocky develop as well as short, blunt tails. Their beak is sharp. Their color is frequently a great sign of their breed, in spite of the truth that there have been new color mutations in many species. We will talk about this even more shortly.

Zygodactyl feet are one more typical characteristic among all Lovebirds. These are the two toes that point ahead as well as backward. This enables little birds to balance as well as to hold onto little products while perching.

9 kinds of Lovebirds types (with Photos)

Because they are so cuddly as well as adorable, lovebirds make fantastic pets. These “pocket parrots”, which are small, vibrant additions to any type of family, are simple to care for as well as can be a fantastic option for beginners.

Globally, there are 9 types of lovebirds. a few of these types can be kept as pets, however not all. These three types are the most liked as well as cherished companions.

Habitat as well as History

We have determined all the African lovebird species. In the wild, lovebirds online in little groups. They all belong to the Agapornis household as well as are carefully related.

Only three types of lovebirds are kept in captivity. These are the Rosy-Faced Lovebirds, Fischer’s Lovebirds, as well as Black Masked Lovebirds.

Many lovebird types have much more than one typical name, which makes it simpler to refer them to their scientific names when talking with others. Lovebird parrots perched on a branch of a tree.

Some lovebird types are ending up being endangered in the wild. These are the Nyasa, Fischer’s, as well as Black Cheeked Lovebirds. Although they are not yet on the endangered types lists, all of them autumn under “threatened”, as well as “vulnerable,” categories.

These birds flourish in captivity. since they are active as well as thrilling, they are a prominent option for pets.

They are curious as well as have a lively personality. They are affectionate birds as well as frequently type strong bonds with their owners.

Rosy-Faced or Peach-Faced Lovebird (Agapornis roseicollis)

Lovebird with a peach-faced face

These lovebirds are one of the most prominent types for pet owners. When we believe about a lovebird, our minds instantly photo their gorgeous plumage or adorable faces.

Although they are simple to take care of, they can be aggressive at times. When you very first begin to interact with them, it is essential to be cautious.


This is exactly how lovebirds are frequently described. Their throats as well as faces are rosy pink. They have darker orange or reddish-brown hair that is visible above their eyes as well as on the forehead.

Their plumage is dark eco-friendly across their entire body, with a black rump. Their legs as well as feet are gray. These birds are frequently dark brown or black with a horn-colored, horn-colored beak.


The Rosy-Faced Lovebird can be discovered in dry areas of Southwest Africa. They don’t mind living in any type of atmosphere as well as can be discovered in open areas, forests, mountains as well as even semi-desert areas near water sources.


This lovebird types is lovable as well as small. They determine roughly 7-8 inches in length from head to tail tip, as well as evaluate less than 2 ounces.

2. Black-Masked as well as Yellow-Collared Lovebirds (Agapornis individualata).

Lovebirds with yellow-collared feathers

The lovebird is understood by two names, as there isn’t any type of contract about which function of theirs is much more prominent: the bright yellow collar or the black mask on their faces.

They are one more prominent pet species. They are likewise a great deal simpler to keep than Rosy-Faced Lovebirds.


These birds look like a mask from the top. Their black eyes or deep brown eyes have white rings that highlight the mask feature. Their bright, standout red beaks make them shine.

A collar of bright yellow fades rapidly to a green, as well as is hidden below all this. Sometimes, their tails or wings can be blue. Their feet as well as legs have grey stripes.


The Black-Masked Lovebird doesn’t have as numerous types as the Rosy dealt with Lovebird. They are only discovered in the northeastern part of Tanzania. Their subspecies have been effectively introduced to Kenya as well as Burundi.


This types has somewhat much more males than females. The birds won’t evaluate much more than 1.75 ounces. They are likewise smaller than Rosy-Faced Lovebirds. Their maximum length is 2.3 inches.

3. Fischer’s Lovebirds (Agapornis fischeri)

Fischer’s Lovebirds

Fischer’s Lovebirds are one of the rarest pet species. However, they are a standout with their bright as well as different plumage colors.

Although they are extremely playful, they are likewise popular. However, they are quieter than many lovebird or parrot species. They are social, energetic, as well as can bond well.


The Fischer’s Lovebird has a dynamic green-blue plumage, with subtle color variations across their chest, wings as well as back. The color slowly turns brown as well as orange on their heads as well as necks, as well as fades to a golden yellow at the ends. Their eyes have rings of white as well as dark orange beaks.


These birds can only be discovered in Africa’s little area along Lake Victoria’s southern border in Tanzania. a few of these birds have migrated to Rwanda as well as Burundi because of climate change.


They are one of the smallest types of lovebirds, measuring only 5 inches from head as well as tail. They evaluate between 1.5 as well as 2 ounces.

4. Nyasa or Lilian’s Lovebirds (Agapornis lilianae)

Lilian’s Lovebirds

Sometimes, Nyasa or Lilian’s Lovebirds can be discovered in captivity. since they are challenging to breed, numerous keep them as collectors or breeders. They are at danger of disappearing from the wild. since they are so rare, they are among the least-studied lovebird species.


The Nyasa Lovebird looks extremely similar to Fischer’s Lovebird, however has gentler colors. Their heads as well as front are a rosy or orange color.

This turns into light orange, then yellow on their chests as well as down their heads. Their body is bright eco-friendly with blue tints on their wings. Their black eyes have a white sound as well as their bright orange beak are highlighted by a bright orange beak.


They have a larger native area, however smaller as well as less typical flocks. They are discovered in Malawi, Mozambique as well as Tanzania in addition to Zambia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, as well as Tanzania.


They determine a staggering 5.4 inches tall from their heads to their tails. They evaluate between 1-1.3 ounces as well as are lighter than other species.

5. Black-Cheeked Lovebirds (Agapornis nigrigenis)

Black-Cheeked Lovebirds

The Black-Cheeked Lovebird ought to not be confused with Black-Masked Lovebird. They were originally believed to be a subspecies the Nyasa Lovebird, however they have been determined as an private species.


This bird is primarily covered in dark eco-friendly plumage, particularly on their wings as well as underside. The plumage fades to a light brown on the chest, as well as then becomes an orange. Their head is dark brown, with white circles around their eyes. Their beaks are bright red.


Black-cheeked Lovebirds can be discovered in southwestern Zambia. As they migrate to water sources, a few of these birds have been seen in Botswana, Namibia, as well as Zimbabwe.


They are roughly 5.5 inches long as well as evaluate roughly 1.4 ounces at the heaviest.

Similar Read: exactly how to checked out lovebird body language (with pictures)

6. Black-Winged Abyssinian Lovebird (Agapornis Taranta)

Abyssinian Lovebird

The Abyssinian lovebird is rather different from the other species. Although they are not common, they have gained some popularity in recent years as pets.


These birds have brigHt röda ögon såväl som en näbb. De är ljusa nyanser av miljövänliga från toppen av huvudet till botten. Deras svarta underving är det enda undantaget. Kvinnor kan vara helt miljövänliga utan rött eller svart på kroppen.


De abyssinska kärleksfåglarna upptäcks i bergen i Etiopien och Eritrea.


Dessa fåglar är vanligtvis större än andra kärleksfåglarter. De bestämmer 6-7 tum långa såväl som typiska 1,7 uns.

7. Madagascar eller gråhåriga kärleksfåglar (Agapornis cana)

Gråhöjda kärleksfåglar

Madagaskar Lovebird, infödd i Madagaskar, kan också upptäckas på ett antal andra öar. De hålls för närvarande inte i fångenskap.


Denna kärleksfågeltyper har olika färgmönster för såväl män som kvinnor. Kvinnorna har en total miljövänlig fjäderdräkt, med några mörkare nyanser på sina vingar och tillbaka. Ibland är det blekare på deras bröst.

Hela kroppen av män är täckt av ljusgrå, praktiskt taget som om de är off-white.


De är en infödd typer av Madagaskar -fåglar såväl som de online i en regnskogsmiljö. De upptäcks också på andra öar.


Madagaskar Lovebirds är bland de minsta kärleksfåglarter. De bestämmer bara 5 tum långa samt utvärderar 1-1,25 uns.

8. Röd ansikte kärleksfåglar-Agapornis pullaria

Röd ansikte kärleksfåglar

Röda ansikte kärleksfåglar ser underbara ut och har en härlig uppförande. Många försök har gjorts för att höja dem i fångenskap men alla har misslyckats.

De har speciella behov som bara kan tillfredsställas av deras naturliga miljö, till exempel häckning, kamratskap, kost samt näring.


Röd ansikte kärleksfåglar skärmar spektakulära miljövänliga fjäderdräkt på deras kroppar, svansar och halsar. Den enda skillnaden mellan dem är på pannorna, näbben och frontalområdena. Denna färg är vanligtvis en persika orange.


Röda ansikte kärleksfåglar är de mest omfattande i deras ursprungliga livsmiljö. De upptäcks i alla de afrikanska tropiska regnskogarna som ligger längs ekvatorn. De upptäcks i Uganda, Sierra Leone och Angola.


När de når full mognad är de ungefär 6 tum långa och utvärderar cirka 1,5 uns.

9. Svart-collared eller Swindern’s Lovebird

Swindern’s Lovebird

En annan ovanlig typ är den svarta krage-kärleksfågeln. Eftersom de behöver infödda fikon för sin diet hålls de inte i fångenskap. De är blyga för andra varelser och kan ses högt upp i träden där de ringer hem.


De har extremt få markeringar på kroppen eftersom de huvudsakligen är täckta av miljövänlig fjäderdräkt. De har också en unik svart krage på baksidan av halsen.


De kan på samma sätt ringa sitt hus på ett brett utbud av mark. Dessa inkluderar skogarna i Afrika, som liknar de typer som diskuteras ovan. De kan upptäckas i Kamerun såväl som Cote d’Ivoire utöver Ekvatorialguinea, Gabon samt Ghana.


Dessa typer är ett bra alternativ för kärleksfåglar. Den går ungefär 5 tum från huvud till svans samt utvärderar cirka 1,4 uns.

Lovebirds temperament

De kan kallas lekfulla, nyfikna, feisty och aktiva kärleksfåglar. De kan vara kudda såväl som sociala fåglar, eftersom de skriver starka band med sina ägare.

Om inte hanteras ordentligt kan kärleksfåglar vara aggressiva såväl som territoriella och till och med avundsjuk. Professionals tror att kvinnliga kärleksfåglar är mycket mer benägna att vara avundsjuka och territoriella än män, men båda könen kan fortfarande ha otroliga personligheter.

Även om de inte är så höga eller så stämma som större papegojor kärleksfåglar fortfarande kan göra en högt skrik när de vill ha din uppmärksamhet. Även om deras typiska kvittrar eller squawks inte brusar lika högt, gillar de att prata.

De förstås vanligtvis inte för att kunna imitera tal eller ljud. Det finns dock alltid undantag. Professionals tror att kvinnor är mycket mer benägna att imitera tal eller verkar än män, men båda könen kan fortfarande skratta.

Lovebird -markeringar såväl som färger

Lovebirds är allmänt kända för sina trubbiga, korta svansfjädrar. Det är detta som skiljer dem från Budgerigars. Kärleksfåglar är också större.

Dessa typer kan finns i många färger, från vitt till miljövänligt till kricka till vitt. Alla är extremt livliga, med huvuden såväl som ansikten som är en annan färg än de primära kroppsfjädrarna. Framstående husdjurskärleksfåglar är främst miljövänliga i fjäderdräkt.

Det finns många färgvariationer i kärleksfåglar. Den persika-faced lovebird är den mest framträdande och kan hållas som ett husdjur. Det är lätt att föda upp i fångenskap. Detta har gjorts i både både hundratals såväl som år. Du kommer att se många färger.

Röda ansikte kärleksfåglar, Madagaskar, liksom absynian är alla dimorfiska. Detta gör det enkelt att skilja män från kvinnor genom fjädrarnas färg. Eftersom de är praktiskt taget similasåväl som monomorf, är det svårt att berätta könen för andra arter.

Papegojor är kända

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